Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Take a tablet for neck pain?

The world seems to have gone tablet crazy - I think I've been a bit slow joining this particular party but now I've got one I absolutely love it. I have been known to watch TV on it in the lounge because I'm too lazy to get up and switch the television on...

However, I don't know about you but mine gives me a right pain in the neck after a while. The nature of tablets means that you probably aren't sat at a desk in a nice upright position with good posture when you're using them. Even with a case that creates a wedge to tilt the screen up, if its on your lap or a table you are having to bend you head downwards which puts a strain on your neck muscles.

Here are a few things you can do after a tablet session to help look after your neck:

Its important to have good posture when stretching so stand nice and tall and imagine a helium balloon attached to the top of your head pulling you upwards

  • head retractions - move your head slowly but steadily backwards until it is pulled back as far as you can manage - keep you chin tucked down and in as you do this - this will make sure that you are looking straight ahead and not tilting the head up. Repeat 10 times.
  •  Retract your head and gently bend your neck to one side - ear to shoulder - and keep it there for 30 seconds or as long as is comfortable. Repeat to the other side
  • Gently drop chin to chest (clasp hands behind head and use weight of arms if you can without it hurting) hold for 30 seconds.
  • Finish with another 10 head retractions
Remember stretches shouldn't hurt so if they do reduce the stretch or stop. If you are getting persistent neck and shoulder pain or headaches its always best to be assessed by your GP.

Anyway back to YouTube - they must be some more dancing border terriers I've missed...

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